
6 Steps To Send BNB From Exodus To Metamask

BNB From Exodus To Metamask

Last updated on March 14th, 2022

You may have some BNB in your Exodus wallet, and are looking to send it to your Metamask wallet.

Here’s a guide to show you each step:

How to send BNB From Exodus to Metamask

Here are 6 steps to send your BNB from your Exodus wallet to Metamask:

  1. Select ‘Binance Smart Chain’ on your Metamask wallet
  2. Copy the Binance Smart Chain wallet address from your Metamask wallet
  3. Select ‘Withdraw icon’ on your Exodus wallet 
  4. Add your Metamask Wallet address as the recipient address
  5. Confirm the transaction on your Exodus wallet
  6. Receive BNB in your Metamask wallet

Select ‘Binance Smart Chain’ on your Metamask wallet

The first thing you’ll need to do is to ensure that you’ve selected the Binance Smart Chain on Metamask.

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If you have not set up the Binance Smart Chain on your Metamask wallet, you can check out this step-by-step guide here.

Copy the Binance Smart Chain wallet address from your Metamask wallet

Once you have added the Binance Smart Chain to your wallet, you will need to copy the deposit address from your Metamask wallet.

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You may notice that your Smart Chain deposit address is exactly the same as your Ethereum Mainnet address. However, you will still need to add the Binance Smart Chain to your Metamask wallet so that you can view the BNB that you’ve sent over.

If you are finding it hard to remember all of these long deposit addresses, you may want to consider simplifying them using Unstoppable Domains.

This allows you to send crypto to a .crypto or .wallet address, which makes it much easier to transfer cryptocurrencies between platforms!

Select ‘Withdraw icon’ on your Exodus wallet 

After you have obtained your Metamask wallet address, the next step will be to withdraw BNB from your Exodus wallet.

You will need to select BNB (BSC) in your Exodus wallet.

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On this page, you will need to enter the address that you’ve obtained from your Metamask Wallet.

Exodus Withdraw

Afterwards, you will need to confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Exodus wallet allows you to withdraw BNB using either the Binance Chain (BNB) or the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

However, Metamask only supports the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20), and not the Binance Chain (BEP2).

As such, you should be using the BSC network, instead of the BNB network!

You can verify this as your Metamask wallet address starts with ‘0x‘, and not ‘bnb’. If you are withdrawing to a Binance Chain address, you will be withdrawing to a ‘bnb’ address instead of an ‘0x’ address.

Receive BNB in your Metamask Wallet

After the transfer has been initiated, you will receive BNB in your Metamask Wallet.

The time taken to send BNB over will heavily depend on the congestion of the Binance Smart Chain.

What are the fees to transfer BNB from Exodus to Metamask?

Exodus wallet charges approximately 0.00013 BNB for a BNB withdrawal using the Binance Smart Chain.


In order to view BNB that you have sent from Exodus wallet to Metamask, you need to make sure you have added the Binance Smart Chain to your Metamask Wallet. 

This is similar to how you would send BNB from FTX or to your Metamask wallet.

If you’re looking for the cheapest ways to send BNB to your Metamask wallet, you can check out this guide here.

Moreover, you are only able to send BNB via the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and not the Binance Chain (BNB)!

After adding and receiving your tokens to your Metamask wallet, you can consider using decentralised exchange (DEX) aggregators, including:

Since both platforms are DeFi aggregators, they will ensure that you will get the best rates for any swaps that you make!

👉🏻 Referral Deals

If you are interested in signing up for any of the products mentioned above, you can check them out below!

ZenGo Referral (Get $10 Cashback)

If you are looking for an alternative wallet to Metamask, one of the options you can consider is ZenGo. What’s more, you’d be able to receive $10 cashback, and here’s what you’ll need to do:

  1. Sign up for a ZenGo wallet using this link
  2. Enter the Referral Code ‘ZENX0B4G’ when you are entering your email
  3. Purchase $200 worth of crypto via MoonPay in the ZenGo app

Once this is done, you will receive $10 cashback in BTC.

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