Editorial Guidelines

This site was founded on the vision of making personal finance accessible for everyone. This will be my guiding principle for all posts that I publish on this site.

My sole purpose is to help you understand the concepts of personal finance well, so that you can make informed decisions when managing your finances.

I aim to provide unbiased views on any product that I promote on my website as well.


Any information that is on this website does not constitute as financial advice, as I am not a licensed financial advisor. All articles are based on my own experiences.

I strongly advise you to read up more on any concept or product that I talk about on this site. Please do not make any decisions solely on my opinions or recommendations!

Alternatively, you can contact me to clarify any doubts that you have.

Blog Content

I aim to provide accurate, unbiased and up-to-date information on this website.

If I have written something inaccurate, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will rectify the information accordingly.

Blog Maintenance

To maintain the sustainability of this website, I may partner with companies from time to time.

I do intend to earn a profit from this website as well in the future.

The 2 main forms of remuneration that I may receive is in the form of commissions and sponsored posts.

Despite the remuneration I receive, I have some guiding principles when writing such articles:

  1. I must see a value in the product being offered, and I must believe that it will bring value to my readers
  2. I must thoroughly research on the product to ensure that I understand all of the product’s offerings
  3. I must not be swayed by the remuneration and continue to provide an unbiased view on the product

Affiliate Partners

To continue running this website, some products that I reviewed may contain affiliate links.

I will inform you of any affiliate links that I have at the start of that article.

These links may contain codes that signal to the retailer that I have referred you to their site. Should you choose to purchase the product, I may receive a commission on the sale.

These affiliate links will have no added cost to you.

Some companies may sponsor an article that I write on this site.

Any sponsored content will be under the category, “Sponsored“. You can see all my sponsored posts here.

I will include a disclaimer for each sponsored post in at the start of the article as well.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact me.