Crypto Invest

5 Steps To Link Brave Rewards To Gemini

Brave Rewards To Gemini

If you’re using the Brave Browser to earn BAT tokens, Uphold used to be the only way for you to deposit your BAT earnings to.

However, Brave has now partnered with Gemini, which gives you an alternative way to store your BAT tokens.

Here’s how you can link Brave to your Gemini account:

How to link Brave Rewards to Gemini

Here are 5 steps you’ll need to link Brave Rewards to Gemini:

  1. Go to ‘Settings → Brave Rewards’
  2. Go to ‘Verify Wallet’
  3. Select Gemini as your wallet service
  4. Sign into your Gemini account
  5. Receive BAT in your Gemini Account after the crediting period

Go to ‘Settings → Brave Rewards’

On your Brave Browser, you’ll need to go to the settings page and select Brave Rewards.

Brave Rewards Dashboard

This will bring you to the Brave Rewards page.

Go to ‘Verify Wallet’

On the right-hand side of the Brave Rewards page, there is this Wallet section.

Brave Verify Wallet 1

You’ll need to click on Verify Wallet to link Brave browser to either Gemini or Uphold.

This will allow the BAT that you’ve earned from the Brave browser to be credited to either wallet.

If you’ve previously linked your Uphold account to Brave, you will not be able to see the ‘Verify Wallet’ button.

You’ll need to disconnect your Uphold account from Brave by clicking on ‘My Wallet‘, and selecting ‘Disconnect from Brave Rewards‘.

Brave Disconnect Uphold

From there, you will be able to click on the ‘Verify Wallet‘ button.

Select Gemini as your wallet service

This will bring you to the ‘Verify Wallet‘ page which informs you that you are linking your Brave account to an external wallet.

Brave Verify Wallet 2

From there, you can select Gemini as your wallet service.

Brave Select Gemini

Sign in to your Gemini account

You will be required to sign in to your Gemini account to confirm the linkage of Brave and Gemini.

Brave Sign In To Gemini

You will need to click on ‘Allow‘,

Brave Approve Gemini Linkage

and now you will see that your Gemini wallet is Verified.

Brave Verified To Gemini

Receive BAT in your Gemini Account after the crediting period

Your BAT rewards are usually calculated at the end of each month, and credited up to 2 weeks later.

After you have linked your Brave browser with Gemini, you can receive the BAT tokens directly in your Gemini account.

Gemini Receive BAT tokens

The benefits of using Gemini over Uphold

Here are 2 benefits that you can receive by using Gemini instead of Uphold to hold your BAT tokens:

#1 You can earn interest on your BAT with Gemini Earn

Gemini allows you to earn interest on BAT with their Gemini Earn feature.

Gemini Earn BAT 1

This is a great way to continue earning interest on your crypto, especially if you are keen on holding BAT in the long term.

Gemini Earn BAT

However, there may be some risks with Gemini Earn, which you can read my review to find out more.

Gemini offers up to 10 free withdrawals per month

If you want to withdraw your BAT tokens from Uphold, you will be doing so via the ERC20 network. As such, the fees can be rather high!

Uphold Review Transaction BAT

One advantage that Gemini has is that it offers you up to 10 free withdrawals a month from your Gemini account. If you intend to withdraw your BAT tokens to another wallet, it will be better to use Gemini instead of Uphold.


Gemini is a great option that you can consider if you are earning some BAT from using the Brave Browser.

It does have quite a few advantages compared to Uphold, so it is the current wallet that I’m using!

👉🏻 Referral Deals

If you are interested in signing up for any of the products mentioned above, you can check them out below!

Gemini Referral (Earn $10 USD in BTC)

If you are interested in signing up for a Gemini account, you can use my referral link.

You will be able to receive $10 USD in BTC!

Gemini Referral

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Register for a Gemini account
  2. Trade ≥ USD $100 or equivalent on Gemini’s platform
  3. Receive USD $10 worth of BTC in your account

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