
6 Steps To Transfer USDT From Huobi To Metamask

USDT From Huobi To Metamask

Last updated on February 4th, 2022

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You may have bought some USDT on Huobi, and are looking to send it to your Metamask wallet.

Here’s a guide to get you started:

How to transfer USDT from Huobi to Metamask

Here are 6 steps to transfer USDT from Huobi to Metamask:

  1. Decide which network you would like to send USDT from Huobi to Metamask
  2. Copy the wallet address from your Metamask wallet
  3. Go to ‘Exchange Account’ on Huobi
  4. Select USDT as the cryptocurrency that you want to withdraw
  5. Enter the transaction details
  6. Receive USDT in Metamask

Decide which network you would like to send USDT from Huobi to Metamask

The first step you’ll need to do is to decide which network you’d like to use to send USDT from Huobi to Metamask.

There are only 2 networks that are found on both Huobi and Metamask:

  1. Ethereum (ERC20)
  2. Huobi ECO Chain (HECO)

To add the HECO chain to your Metamask wallet, you can use this guide to find out more.

If you choose the wrong network to send between these 2 platforms, there is a chance that your funds may be lost forever!

Copy the wallet address from your Metamask wallet

Once you have selected the appropriate network on your Metamask wallet, you will need to copy the deposit address from your Metamask wallet.

Metamask Copy ETH Address

You may notice that your HECO deposit address is the same as your Ethereum Mainnet address.

This is similar to how your Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) address is the same as the ERC20 address.

However, you will still need to add the HEC0 chain to your Metamask wallet so that you can view the USDT that you’ve sent over using this network.

If you are finding it hard to remember all of these long deposit addresses, you may want to consider simplifying them using Unstoppable Domains.

This allows you to send crypto to a .crypto or .wallet address, which makes it much easier to transfer cryptocurrencies between platforms!

Go to ‘Exchange Account’ on Huobi

On Huobi’s platform, you’ll need to go to ‘Exchange Account‘ from the Balances tab.

Huobi Select Exchange Account

This account allows you to deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies from Huobi.

Select USDT as the cryptocurrency you wish to withdraw

Once you’re there, you can select USDT as the cryptocurrency that you intend to withdraw.

Huobi Select UDST To Withdraw

You will need to click on the ‘Withdraw‘ button.

Enter the details of the transaction

There are a few details that you’ll need to enter for each transaction.

Huobi USDT Withdrawal Details

This includes:

  1. The deposit address that you’ve obtained from Metamask
  2. The network that you will be using
  3. The amount of USDT that you wish to withdraw from Huobi

After pasting the deposit address that you’ve obtained from Metamask, you can choose either the ERC20 or HECO network to withdraw USDT to Metamask.

You may want to note that Metamask segregates the USDT balances on the ERC20 and HECO networks.

The fee for sending via the HECO network is much cheaper compared to the ERC20 network.

Receive USDT in Metamask

After the transfer has been initiated, you will receive USDT in Metamask.

The time taken to send USDT over will heavily depend on the congestion of the network that you used.

What are the fees to transfer USDT from Huobi to Metamask?

Huobi uses a dynamic withdrawal fee structure that depends on the network congestion.

Here are the estimated amount of fees that you’ll pay, depending on the network you’re withdrawing from.

NetworkWithdrawal Fee

Withdrawals via the ERC20 network are really high!


If you are intending to send USDT from Huobi to Metamask, there are 2 networks that you can use (ERC20 or HECO).

This is similar to how you would transfer ETH from Huobi to Metamask.

When withdrawing USDT via the ERC20 network, the fees can be rather high!

After adding and receiving your tokens to your Metamask wallet, you can consider using decentralised exchange (DEX) aggregators, including:

Since both platforms are DeFi aggregators, they will ensure that you will get the best rates for any swaps that you make!

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