Crypto Invest

How To Transfer Your Crypto From Binance To Hodlnaut

Transfer Crypto From Binance To Hodlnaut

Hodlnaut offers one of the highest interest rates for your BTC, ETH or stablecoins.

As such, you may consider transferring your assets from Binance to Hodlnaut.

Here’s a guide to get you started with this process:

How to transfer from Binance to Hodlnaut

Here are 8 steps you’ll need to transfer your crypto from Binance to Hodlnaut:

  1. Go to ‘Deposit/Withdrawal’ on the Hodlnaut dashboard
  2. Select the coin you wish to transfer
  3. Copy the wallet address from Hodlnaut
  4. Go to ‘Fiat/Spot Wallet’ on Binance
  5. Select the cryptocurrency you wish to withdraw
  6. Enter the details of the transaction
  7. Paste the deposit address from Hodlnaut as the destination address
  8. Review the withdrawal before confirming the transaction

And here is each step explained step-by-step:

Go to ‘Deposit/Withdrawal’ on the Hodlnaut dashboard

First, you’ll need to go to ‘Deposit/Withdrawal‘ on the Hodlnaut dashboard.

Hodlnaut DepositWithdrawal Dashboard

Select the coin you wish to transfer

You will be shown a dropdown menu, where you can select the currency that you wish to deposit into Hodlnaut.

Hodlnaut Select Currency To Deposit

Hodlnaut currently supports these 6 currencies:

  1. BTC
  2. ETH
  3. USDC
  4. USDT
  5. DAI
  6. WBTC

If the currency that you wish to transfer from isn’t any of these 6 currencies, you will need to make a trade to convert your assets on Binance to one of these currencies.

Binance Trading Platform

Copy the wallet address from Hodlnaut

After selecting the cryptocurrency that you want to receive on Hodlnaut, you will be given your wallet address to deposit into.

Hodlnaut Deposit Address

It is very important that you do not leave out any letters or numbers in your withdrawal address. Otherwise, your crypto will be sent to the wrong address and it will be lost forever!

Go to ‘Fiat/Spot Wallet’ on Binance

On Binance’s platform, you’ll need to go to ‘Fiat / Spot‘ in the ‘Wallet’ menu.

Binance Fiat and Spot Wallet

Select the cryptocurrency you wish to withdraw

Once you are there, you’ll need to select the currency that you wish to withdraw.

Binance Spot and Fiat Wallet Platform

Do remember to only withdraw one of the 6 currencies which are supported by Hodlnaut!

Enter the details of the transaction

There are a few details that you’ll need to enter for each transaction.

Binance Enter Details For Withdrawal Coinhako

This includes:

  1. Recipient’s BTC Address
  2. Transfer network
  3. Amount of BTC

Enter the wallet address on Binance

You’ll need to paste the wallet address that you’ve copied from Hodlnaut into Binance.

Transfer From Binance To Hodlnaut 1

The good thing is that Binance will now auto-detect the network that your withdrawal address supports. In the case of BTC, you will be able to send it via the BTC network.

Transfer From Binance Auto Detect Network

Receive the crypto in Hodlnaut

Once you have confirmed the transfer, you should receive an email from Hodlnaut to state that they are processing your deposit.

Hodlnaut Processing Deposit

The process may take quite a while before you are able to receive your crypto on Hodlnaut, as it depends on how congested the network is.

After the deposit has been processed, you will receive another confirmation email from Hodlnaut.

Hodlnaut Deposit Confirmed


With Hodlnaut offering one of the highest interest rates on some cryptocurrencies, it is definitely one platform to consider if you’re interested in earning interest on your crypto!

👉🏻 Referral Deals

If you are interested in signing up for any of the products mentioned above, you can check them out below!

Binance Referral (Receive 5% off your trading fees)

If you are interested in signing up for a Binance account, you can use my referral link.

You will be able to receive 5% off all of your trading fees on Binance!

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