
Coinhako Logo


Coinhako is a crypto exchange based in Singapore. You are able to trade 30+ different cryptocurrencies on the platform. The biggest advantage is that you’ll be able to trade them directly from SGD.

It allows you easily deposit your SGD from a bank account directly to the exchange.

However, the fees may be slightly pricier at 1% for any buy or sell trades that you make, and you will incur a $2 withdrawal fee.

Here are its main features:

  1. 30+ currencies
  2. Trading fees are at a flat rate of 1% (but can be reduced to 0.8% with ‘COINGECKO’ promo code)
  3. No deposit fees from bank account, but 0.55% fee charged for deposits to Xfers
  4. Withdrawal fee of $2 to a Singaporean bank account
