If you have some SOL or other tokens on your Phantom Wallet, you may be looking to transfer them back to FTX to trade it for another currency.
Here’s how you can transfer from your Phantom Wallet to FTX using the SOL network:
How to transfer from Phantom Wallet To FTX
Here are 3 steps to transfer from Phantom Wallet to FTX:
- Obtain the Solana network deposit address from FTX
- Select the cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw from your Phantom Wallet
- Confirm the transaction on your Phantom Wallet
And here is each step explained further:
Obtain the Solana network deposit address from FTX
Once you’ve obtained the address to send to, you’ll need to go to FTX to start sending your funds.
You’ll need to go to ‘Wallet’, search for the currency that you wish to send to FTX, and then select ‘Deposit‘.
In this case, I will be selecting Solana as the currency I wish to deposit.
This will show you the SOL deposit address that you’ll need to copy over to Phantom Wallet.
There may be other cryptocurrencies such as Raydium, which support both the ERC20 and SPL (Solana) networks.
Select the cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw from your Phantom Wallet
Once you’ve obtained the deposit address, the next step will be to go to your Phantom Wallet and select ‘Send‘.
You will be asked to select the cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw.
Confirm the transaction on your Phantom Wallet
The next step will be to:
- Paste the deposit address you’ve obtained from FTX
- Select the amount of cryptocurrency that you wish to withdraw
After selecting next, you will be able to see the transaction fee that you’ll need to pay.
The transaction fees on the Solana network are usually very low.
After confirming the transaction, the SOL should be deposited into your FTX account.
Which cryptocurrencies can I send from Phantom Wallet to FTX?
You are able to send any cryptocurrencies to FTX from your Phantom Wallet, so long as FTX has a SOL deposit address for that particular cryptocurrency. This includes USDC, USDT and ETH.
This is because there are other platforms such as Binance and KuCoin that do not allow ETH deposits via the Solana network.
Your Phantom Wallet allows you to hold cryptocurrencies on the Solana network.
If you are looking to send your cryptocurrencies from Phantom Wallet to FTX, you may want to double check if FTX has a SOL deposit address for that cryptocurrency!
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